LifeTides Institute’s Professional Kayak Instructors



A native of South Carolina, April Childress has been sea kayaking for more than a decade. She is a popular instructor for Road Scholar programs, and she has kayaked in the Lower Exumas; rafted the Grand Canyon; served on a Mars Society research team in the Canadian High Arctic; and has photographed blue-footed boobies in the Galapagos Islands. April thinks there is no place in the world like South Carolina, and no better way to explore it than by water.

elizabeth Anderegg

Elizabeth Anderegg, kayaker, naturalist, and birder, is always interested in sharing outdoor experiences with others. Graduating from the College of Charleston in 1982 with a BA in US History, Elizabeth enjoys the historic significance of the Lowcountry. After spending decades as an artisan and merchant in Charleston's Historic Market, she moved into a career in interpretation. Elizabeth joined the naturalist staff of Nature Adventures Outfitters in 2005 and soon after became a kayak guide and an ACA Kayak Instructor. In 2010 she became a Coastal Master Naturalist and in 2016 a SC Master Naturalist. She is a past board member for the Coastal Master Naturalist Association and currently commits volunteer hours to the organization. Elizabeth also has a passion for birding. In 2012 she completed the SC Pro Birder program through SC Wildlife Federation. Her latest endeavors are a Certificate in Native Plants from the SC Native Plant Society and an online Ornithology class through Cornell University.

Elizabeth is a member of the management team of Nature Adventures, LLC where she continues to pursue her passion for the outdoors.

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